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Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC)
Geospatial technologies are playing an increasingly important role at the PSC. For over a decade, GIS and drafting tools have guided the PSC’s work in evaluating proposed utility projects across the state and in performing inventory of utility services. In recent years, GIS has taken a large role in the PSC’s broadband expansion effort. Much of the inventory of Internet Service Provider (ISP) data and planning for future broadband expansion is done using GIS software. Currently the PSC utilizes desktop GIS software and is preparing to share information through GIS server software and web applications. These tools will be utilized by employees of the PSC and the general public.
Some business activities that utilize geospatial technologies at the PSC include:
Wisconsin Broadband Office
ISP coverage mapping
Provide additional resources for broadband build-out
Electric, Gas, and Water Utility Mapping
Review of construction cases for natural gas and water supply lines, and electric facilities
Mapping utility service territories, electric transmission lines, and electric generation plants
Independent analysis regarding electric and gas usage in the StatCompare water utility rates and charges
Map information on communities with water conservation programs
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