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Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR)
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) applies electronic geographic data for property analysis purposes and produces maps to illustrate results and trends. These applications are limited in nature and not directly integrated with business functions. DOR will consider additional use and integration with systems as it continues to develop property tax and assessment administration software. (i.e., Integrated Property Assessment System (IPAS))
DOR continues to work with local governments and stakeholders on identifying and implementing standards for property tax data. DOR also worked with these groups to create a standard set and format of property assessment and property tax data. At this time, the data set is specific to the property assessment roll and the property tax roll. The standard format is currently Extensible Markup Language (XML). DOR started to implement the application in 2013 and will continue working with local governments to develop standard data sets in a standard format.
DOR shares its progress on work within its department and outside groups with the SAGIC team.
Contact DOR